Roadkill Ghost Choir is an indie folk-rock band from DeLand, Florida.
RT @FreretPubHouse: Don't miss @RoadkillGhosts and @TheEasternSea will be @FreretPubHouse on Friday, September 26th!
Tickets & Info: http:/…
Tickets & Info: http:/…
RT @GaTheatre: @RoadkillGhosts just released their debut LP! Check it out & catch them at GATH on 10/8 w/ #Semicircle & @HToland! http://t.…
RT @birbigs: You are what you eat. Hi, I'm pizza.
RT @ShowsIGoTo: " @RoadkillGhosts Will Bang Their Heads So You Don’t Have To" | Live Review Up by @gr8dane74! | READ >…
RT @ShowsIGoTo: "@RoadkillGhosts are tight and layered and they go down surprisingly easy." LIVE Review Up! | @SocialOrlando. | http://t.c…
RT @GloryDaysGNV: TONIGHT @HighDiveGville See @RoadkillGhosts play this long they played on Letterman earlier this year…
RT @southern_cville: THIS JUST IN: @tristentristen has been added to the bill with @RoadkillGhosts on 10/13. Get your tickets here: http://…
RT @jbensonian: Got the chance to take pictures of @RoadkillGhosts and you can see them here!
RT @SocialOrlando: . @RoadkillGhosts on Letterman! || See them at The Social this Saturday, 9/13
RT @OrlandoThrills: SAT 9/13 at 9PM: @RoadkillGhosts & @Ssktchwn performing live this Saturday at @SocialOrlando. $10 & up.…
RT @HubCityPage: Roadkill Ghost Choir w/ MS Shakedown & Henry Toland at The Thirsty Hippo 9/25 #hubcitymusic
RT @HubCityPage: What's Left For September? #hubcitymusic @RamsayMidwood @thegreenseed_ @RoadkillGhosts @theMsShakedown…
#Florida, we are yours THIS WEEK! Hope to see familiar faces and tag your friends.... Get tickets…
RT @GloryDaysGNV: HUGE WEEK @HighDiveGville ! Tues @DiarrheaPlanet Wed ISLANDS Thu @Ralphie_May Fri @RoadkillGhosts Sun @papadosio Tix on s…
RT @FreretPubHouse: Indie folk-rockers @RoadkillGhosts & @TheEasternSea taking the stage @FreretPubHouse on Fri., Sep. 26!
Tickets & Info>h…
Tickets & Info>h…
@FamAndPals @sallyhackel we just spotted this in Illinois. @oscarmayer is on to us. #weiners #ForTheKids